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Solutions to Selected Exercises |
Below is a list of links to the exercises together with the name of the file where they can be found in The Many Faces of Google. Click on the links to see the entire problem set. See an answer below the section in which the corresponding problem appears.
Selecting Search Terms - select_terms.html
Search for [ Google doodle ] and you'll find a page with the special Google home page logos used to commemorate holidays and special events.
Search for [ Google history ] and you will find a page entitled "Google Corporate Information: Google History."
Possible search strategy:
[ first cross United States road trip ]
[ first cross country road trip America ]
Search for [ Hearst Castle recommended tour ].
Interpreting Your Query - interpreting_queries.html
Just those that contain the name in its entirety.
[ non-profit ] | non-profit <— | non profit <— | nonprofit <— |
[ non profit ] | non-profit <— | non profit <— | nonprofit |
[ nonprofit ] | non-profit | non profit | nonprofit <— |
Since Google returns pages that match variants of your search terms, all the following queries are likely to find sites with discounted designer linens. But the last query is least likely to rank sites with discounted designer linens because it includes the term "design" rather than "designer."
The word "be" is a stop word, which Google ignores, unless you precede it with the + operator or enclose the entire query in quotes (" ").
Crafting Your Query - crafting_queries.html
For best results, apply sunscreen approximately 30 minutes before going into the sun so that it can be absorbed by your skin and so that it's less likely to wash off when you perspire.
Possible search strategy:
[ +when apply sunscreen ]
[ tips apply sunscreen ]
Possible search strategy:
[ advice drafting +will ]
[ legal help "drafting will" ]
[ tips +will estate planning ]
Possible search strategy:
[ Afghanistan daily life -war -Taliban ]
Looking at the results of the query [ ~cheap ], you can see that Google considers the following terms approximately equivalent to the term "cheap": buy, discount, cheapest, last minute, inexpensive, low cost, and bargain.
Possible search strategy:
[ weather forecast OR condition ]
Possible search strategy:
[ studio available OR rent Minneapolis OR "St Paul" ]
[ "studio apartment" available OR rent Minneapolis OR "St Paul" ]
Just those that substitute a single word for "*."
The first query matches pages that contain exactly the phrase "how might I" and in the results those words appear in a bold typeface. The second query matches the phrase "how might I" followed by a single word. So matches pages that include phrases such as "how might I write," "how might I quote," "how might I build," "how might I enroll," and "how might I learn." In the results, the words in the phrase and the following word appear in a bold typeface.
Sharpening Your Query - sharpening_queries.html
Possible search strategy:
[ get rid ants home remedy ]
[ ants "pest control" "home remedies" ]
Possible search strategy:
[ google privacy policy ]
[ remove browser history ]
[ remove browser urls ]
[ remove browser cache ]
More on Sharpening Queries - sharpening_queries2.html
Austria's domain code is .at. Google ignores "at" in a query unless you enclose it in quotes or precede it by a + sign.
Using Search Operators (Advanced Operators) - advanced_operators.html
Possible search strategy:
[ armchairs ]
Possible search strategy:
[ intitle:FAQ OR intitle:help ]
Possible search strategy:
[ intitle:surfing -WWW -"World Wide Web" ]
Spelling Corrections - spelling_corrections.html
Possible search strategy:
[ Sugrew Princeton ]
The spelling corrector suggests the correct spelling of Michael's last name, Sugrue. Click on the corrected spelling and scan down the snippets of the listed entries.
Definitions - dictionary.html
Possible search strategy:
[ define: urban legend ]
Instead of checking Google's documentation, find out through experimentation. Search for some non-English words and then see any of the words are underlined in the statistics bar section of the results page and linked to their dictionary definitions.
Based on the experiments I ran today, the US version of Google provides links to dictionary definitions of some non-English words.
Possible search strategy:
[ vino queso ]
Similar Pages - similar_pages.html
The more search strategies you try, the more information you are likely to find.
Possible search strategy:
[ "reduce junk mail" ]
[ "reducing junk mail" ]
[ "end junk mail" ]
[ "less junk mail" ]
[ "stop junk mail" ]
[ "unwanted mail" ]
[ "opt out" "junk mail" ]
[ "mail preference service" ]
[ remove name from mailing list ]
[ get off mailing list ]
[ reduce unwanted junk Mail -]
Note: Most of the results from these searches assume you are in the United States.
Possible search strategy:
[ google ]
Click on any of the following:
File Type Conversion - file_type.html
Possible search strategy:
[ interviewing salary negotiation filetype:pdf ]
In the pdf version, the spacing between words in section headings is more uniform. Items that are vertically aligned in the pdf version are not vertically aligned in the html version.
Possible search strategy:
[ "symplectic geometry" site:edu filetype:pdf OR filetype:ps ]
Translation - translation.html
Possible search strategy:
[ piscine pubbliche Napoli Italia ]
Use Google's Language Tools Translate text feature.
Select "English to Spanish" and click on the Translate button.
Google provides the following Spanish translation:
Deseo enviar un paquete. ¿Dónde está el correos más cercano? Gracias.
Use Google Language Tools to restrict the query [ war Iraq ] to pages located in France that are written in English.
Google's Approach to Ads - ads.html
Possible search strategy:
[ hotel central London moderate price ]
Possible search strategy:
[ NASA's Mars Exploration Program ]
Evaluating What You Find - evaluating_results.html
Find documents on the web that provide the answers to the following questions. What's your level of comfort with the referring site(s) and why?
I posted the following questions to Google Answers, service that provides assistance from expert online researchers for a fee. If no results match your query, Google offers search tips. The following solutions include information Google Researchers provided as well as a link to their complete answers.
Here's part of the answer that sublime1-ga posted to Google Answers, which can be found at
Yes, healthy skin, even recently cleaned, will produce natural oils, and, these oils on halogen bulb will shorten its lifespan.
Possible search strategies:
[ touch ruin "halogen bulb" ]
[ touch oil "halogen bulb" ]
[ +why not touch "halogen bulb" ]
Here's part of the answer that jon-ga posted to Google Answers, which can be found at
The short answer to your question is yes - fluoride is good for the teeth and so water containing fluoride is a good thing for cavity-prevention.
Possible search strategies:
[ "fluoridated water" ]
[ "fluoridated water" "dental cavities" ]
Here's part of the answer that missy-ga posted to Google Answers, which can be found at
Whether or not clumping kitty litter is a health hazard for cats is a matter of some debate. Since there haven't been any clinical studies, it really comes down to whom you ask and which brand you're asking about. Most of the current controversy swirls around brands that use Sodium Bentonite, a highly absorbent clay. Brands that do not contain Sodium Bentonite seem to be considered safer.
Possible search strategies:
[ "clumping litter" hazardous ]
[ "clumping litter" safe ]
[ scoopable litter hazardous ]
[ scoopable litter safe ]
Here's part of the answer that crabcakes-ga posted to Google Answers, which can be found at
There are far more documented reasons to get the vaccine (injectable or nasal spray versions) than to refuse it, but plenty of flu vaccine controversy exists.
Possible search strategies:
[ flu vaccine ]
[ pros cons flu vaccine ]
Here's part of the answer that crabcakes-ga posted to Google Answers, which can be found at
The short answer is: Yes, chemicals can migrate into the food. The issue is whether they are harmful.
Possible search strategies:
[ toxic chemicals plastic wrap ]
[ plastic wrap microwave cooking ]
Making Search Easier with Google Tools - tools.html
Visit and click on the "Download Google Deskbar."
Visit and click on the "Download Google Toolbar."
To have the Google home page appear whenever you start your browser, click on the "Make Google Your Homepage" link on Google's home page. If the link is missing, follow the instructions listed on
Follow the directions listed on
Calculator - calculator.html
One mile is equal to 1609.344 meters.
Possible calculation strategy:
[ 1 mile in meters ]
0 kelvin is approximately equal to -273.15 degrees Celsius.
Possible calculation strategy:
[ 0 degrees kelvin in Celsius ]
e^pi > pi^e
Possible calculation strategy:
[ e^pi-pi^e ]
The following answer was contributed by Nelson Blachman (my father).
You might try [ 1 - (1 - 1/(99 choose 5))^1000 ], but this is well approximated by [ 1000/(99 choose 5) ], which is roughly 0.00001 . If each ticket costs $1, the prize had better be at least $100 million to be fair to you--and higher if you might have to share the prize with other winners.
Phone Numbers and Addresses - phonebook.html
The address of the Empire State Building is 350 5th Ave, New York, NY 10118.
Possible search strategy:
[ Empire State Building New York NY ]
Street Maps - maps.html
Possible research strategy:
[ 1100 Lombard Street San Francisco CA ]
Stock Quotes - stock_quotes.html
Possible research strategy:
[ ebay ]
Possible research strategy:
[ ]
[ yhoo askj ] (stock symbols for Yahoo and Ask Jeeves respectively)
Definitions (Google Gossary) - glossary.html
Aka is short for "also known as."
Possible search strategy:
[ what is aka ]
The result of this query includes a link to the dictionary definition in the statistics bar, the value of 1 googol provided by Google's built-in calculator function, and a definition provided by Google Glossary.
Possible search strategy:
[ what is googol ]
IRL commonly stands for "In Real Life."
Possible search strategy:
[ define:irl ]
Google Local (Search by Location) - local.html
First, I find the code for the Los Angeles International Airport.
[ Dallas Fort Worth Airport code ]
Then I look up the travel conditions.
[ dfw airport ]
Images - images.html
Possible search strategy:
[ html color chart ]
Possible search strategy:
[ Alhambra ]
[ Alhambra Granada ]
[ Alhambra Spain OR España ]
Groups (Discussion Forums) - groups.html
Possible search strategy:
[ recommendations booking flights online ]
[ recommendations book flights online ]
[ recommendations flights online ]
Possible search strategy:
[ online banking reviews ]
Possible search strategy:
[ remove varnish maple ]
Possible search strategy:
[ memorable articles Usenet ]
News - news.html
Just visit
Froogle - froogle.html
Possible search strategy:
[ 100% cotton comforter covers ]
[ 100% cotton duvet cover ]
Possible search strategy:
[ sun protective clothing ]
[ uv protective clothing OR hats ]
Catalogs - catalogs.html
Possible search strategy:
[ 100% cotton comforter covers ]
[ 100% cotton duvet covers ]
Possible search strategy:
[ sun-protective clothing ]
Possible search strategy:
[ Rhode Island Novelty ]
Google Local - local.html
Possible search strategy:
On the Google Local screen, type "Italian restaurant" in the What box and "Trenton, NJ" in the Where box.